
















▪ 透过率可达99%

▪ up to 99% transmission for passbands in the visible range

▪ 通过设计达截至深度高达od10

▪ up to od10 wide range out of band blocking by design

▪ 陡度:0.5% cwl @ 50%t~od6

▪ edge transitions as steep as 0.5% of cwl from 50% t to od6

▪ 波长范围250nm~13µm可选

▪ cwl at any wavelength from the uv to the mid ir (~250 nm to 13 µm)

▪ 波长精度误差±0.25%cwl

▪ tolerances as tight as ± 0.25% of cwl

▪ 透过波前差(rms): 极优0.01λper inch @ 632.8 nm

▪ twe as low as 0.01 wave rms/inch measured at 632.8 nm



图2. ultra系列多频带滤波器,具有陡峭边缘,高传输和od6带外截至。


ultra系列多频带通滤光片可以设计为10个以上的透过波段,波段之间的od值大于8,超高的截至陡度,高达98%的透过率。 它们非常适合用作荧光技术中的激发或发射滤光片,要求在单个样本中同时检测多个荧光团。



图3. ultra系列滤光片的波长控制,传输和截至在几种不同的涂层运行中具有高度可重复性。






600-10 od4 bandpass filter
item number7426
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 600 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 10 nm ± 2.0 nm
transmission band(s) peak> 90% t absolute
blocking level od4
blocking range(s)* od4: 200 to 585 nm, 615 to 1200 nm
substrate type borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness3.3 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness5.0 mm
604-50 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7224
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 604 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 50 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 582 to 626 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 300 to 569 nm, 640 to 900 nm
parallelism < 3.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)tagrfp
alternate fluorophore(s)5-tamra (ph7), alexa fluor® 568, amplex ultrared, atto 565, atto rho11, atto rho3b, bo-pro-3, bobo-3, cf™568, cf™570, dsred, dsred express t1, dsred tandem dimer2, dtomato, fluospheres® red, fusionred, kfp-red, lissamine™ rhodamine, lolo-1, magnesium orange, mapple, merocyanine 540, mitotracker® orange, mstrawberry, mtangerine, pa-tagrfp, phrodo® succinimidyl ester, pro-q® diamond, rhod-2, rhodamine (phalloidin), rhodamine red™-x, spectrum orange, tdtomato, tritc, turborfp, alexa fluor® 610 r-pe
607-40 od6 bandpass filter
item number7147
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 607 nm ± 3.0 nm
fwhm 40 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 590 to 624 nm > 93% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 250 to 574 nm, 647 to 925 nm; od2: 940 to 1000 nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)cy®3.5
alternate fluorophore(s)5-rox, alexa fluor® 568, amplex ultrared, asred2, atto 565, atto rho11, atto rho12, atto rho3b, atto thio12, bo-pro-3, bobo-3, calcein red-orange, carboxy snarf®-1 (ph 6), carboxy snarf®-1 (ph 9), celltrace™ calcein red-orange, celltracker™ red cmtpx, cf™568, cf™570, cf™583, dhpe texas red®, dsred, dsred dimer2, dsred express t1, dsred tandem dimer2, dtomato, dy-590, fluospheres® red, fusionred, hcs lipidtox™ red neutral lipid stain, hcs lipidtox™ red phospholipidosis detection reagent, kfp-red, lissamine™ rhodamine, lysotracker® red, mapple, mitotracker® red, mrfp1, mstrawberry, mtangerine, pa-tagrfp, phrodo® succinimidyl ester, pro-q® diamond, promofluor-568, propidium iodide, reash, resorufin, rhodamine red™-x, spectrum orange, sulforhodamine 101, tagrfp, tdtomato, texas red® r-pe, turbofp602, x-rhod-1
610-10 od4 bandpass filter
item number7429
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 610 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 10 nm ± 2.0 nm
transmission band(s) peak> 90% t absolute
blocking level od4
blocking range(s)* od4: 200 to 595 nm, 625 to 1200 nm
substrate type borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness3.3 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness5.0 mm
614-26 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7629
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 614 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 26 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 603 to 625 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 350 to 597 nm, 631 to 1000 nm
parallelism < 3.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)mcherry
614-54 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7703
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 614 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 54 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 590 to 638 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 350 to 580 nm, 647 to 875 nm
parallelism < 3.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)cy®3.5
620-31 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7133
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 620 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 31 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 607 to 633 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 350 to 602 nm, 639 to 1000 nm
parallelism < 3.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)mcherry
alternate fluorophore(s)5-rox, alexa fluor® 594, asred2, atto 590, atto rho101, atto rho12, atto thio12, bo-pro-3, bobo-3, bodipy® tr-x, bodipy® tr-x (phallacidin), calcium crimson™, celltrace™ bodipy® tr, celltracker™ red cmtpx, cf™583, cf™594, cf™594st, cresyl violet perchlorate, crystal violet (glycerol), dhpe texas red®, fluospheres® red, fusionred, hcs lipidtox™ red neutral lipid stain, hcs lipidtox™ red phospholipidosis detection reagent, katushka2s, live/dead® fixable red dead cell stain, mitotracker® red, mkate2, mplum, mrfp1, nile red, promofluor-594, reash, spectrum red, texas red® (dextran), texas red® r-pe, texas red®-x, x-rhod-1
620-10 od4 bandpass filter
item number7430
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 620 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 10 nm ± 2.0 nm
transmission band(s) peak> 90% t absolute
blocking level od4
blocking range(s)* od4: 200 to 605 nm, 635 to 1200 nm
substrate type borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness3.3 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness5.0 mm
622-36 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7152
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 622 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 36 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 606 to 638 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 360 to 588 nm, 656 to 750 nm, 750 to 850 nm; od3: 300 to 360 nm, 850 to 1000 nm
parallelism < 5.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type polished borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)apc
alternate fluorophore(s)alexa fluor® 647, atto 635, atto 647, bodipy® 650/665-x, cf™640r, cf™647, cypher5 (ph 4.67), ddao, did, draq5™, dy-630, dy-631, dy-633, dy-635, dy-636, evoblue™-30, hcs cellmask™ deep red, hcs nuclearmask™ deep red, hilyte™ fluor 647, hilyte™ plus 647, live/dead® fixable far red dead cell stain, mitotracker® deep red, nile blue (etoh), nile blue (meoh), oxazine 1, promofluor-647, spectrum far red, sytox® red, to-pro®-3, toto®-3, vybrant® dyecycle™ ruby, 5-cnf, alexa fluor® 633, atto rho14, carboxynapthofluorescein, celltrace™ far red, cf™633, cy®5, e2-crimson, fluospheres® crimson, hcs lipidtox™ deep red neutral lipid stain, nir4, nirfp, promofluor-633, squarylium dye iii, syto® 61
622-25 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7593
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 622 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 25 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 612 to 632 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 350 to 605 nm, 639 to 1000 nm
parallelism < 3.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)texas red® (dextran)
622-40 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7676
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 622 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 40 mm nominal
transmission band(s) 605 to 639 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 200 to 593 nm, 651 to 850 nm; od3: 850 to 1100 nm
parallelism < 3.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)5-rox
625-32 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7140
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 625 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 32 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 611 to 639 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 300 to 599 nm, 649 to 900 nm; od5: 300 to 599 nm, 649 to 900 nm
parallelism < 3.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)texas red® (dextran)
alternate fluorophore(s)alexa fluor® 594, atto 590, atto rho101, atto rho12, atto rho13, atto thio12, bodipy® tr-x, bodipy® tr-x (phallacidin), calcium crimson™, celltrace™ bodipy® tr, celltracker™ red cmtpx, cf™583, cf™594, cf™594st, cresyl violet perchlorate, crystal violet (glycerol), dhpe texas red®, fluospheres® red, fusionred, hcred1, hcs lipidtox™ red neutral lipid stain, hcs lipidtox™ red phospholipidosis detection reagent, katushka2s, live/dead® fixable red dead cell stain, mcherry, mkate2, mrfp1, promofluor-594, reash, spectrum red, tagfp635, texas red® r-pe, texas red®-x, turbofp650, alexa fluor® 610 r-pe, sytox® advanced dead cell stain
625-45 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7208
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 625 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 45 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 605 to 645 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 300 to 592 nm, 660 to 800 nm
parallelism < 3.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)cy®5
alternate fluorophore(s)alexa fluor® 647, alexa fluor® 660, atto 635, atto 647, atto oxa12, bodipy® 650/665-x, c5-thiacyanine, cellmask™ deep red, cf™640r, cf™647, cypher5 (ph 4.67), ddao, did, draq5™, dy-635, dy-636, dy-647, dy-650, dy-651, dy-656, evoblue™-30, fluospheres® dark red, hcs cellmask™ deep red, hcs nuclearmask™ deep red, hilyte™ fluor 647, hilyte™ plus 647, live/dead® fixable far red dead cell stain, mitotracker® deep red, nile blue (etoh), nile blue (meoh), oxazine 1, promofluor-647, quasar® 670, spectrum far red, syto® 60, syto® 62, vybrant® dyecycle™ ruby, 5-cnf, carboxynapthofluorescein, nirfp, atto 665
628-37 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7144
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 628 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 37 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 612 to 644 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 250 to 598 nm, 659 to 925 nm; od3: 925 to 1100 nm
parallelism < 3.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)cy®5, mcherry
alternate fluorophore(s)5-rox, alexa fluor® 594, alexa fluor® 647, alexa fluor® 660, atto 590, atto 635, atto 647, atto oxa12, atto rho101, atto rho12, atto rho13, atto thio12, bo-pro-3, bobo-3, bodipy® 650/665-x, bodipy® tr-x, bodipy® tr-x (phallacidin), c5-thiacyanine, cellmask™ deep red, celltrace™ bodipy® tr, celltracker™ red cmtpx, cf™583, cf™594, cf™594st, cf™640r, cf™647, cypher5 (ph 4.67), dhpe texas red®, did, draq5™, dy-635, dy-636, dy-647, dy-650, dy-651, dy-656, evoblue™-30, fluospheres® dark red, fluospheres® red, hcred1, hcs cellmask™ deep red, hcs lipidtox™ red neutral lipid stain, hcs lipidtox™ red phospholipidosis detection reagent, hcs nuclearmask™ deep red, hilyte™ fluor 647, hilyte™ plus 647, katushka2s, live/dead® fixable far red dead cell stain, live/dead® fixable red dead cell stain, mitotracker® deep red, mkate2, mplum, nile blue (etoh), nile blue (meoh), oxazine 1, promofluor-594, promofluor-647, quasar® 670, reash, spectrum far red, spectrum red, syto® 60, syto® 62, tagfp635, texas red® (dextran), texas red®-x, turbofp650, vybrant® dyecycle™ ruby, 5-cnf, carboxynapthofluorescein, e2-crimson, nirfp, atto 665
632-22 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7696
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 632 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 22 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 623 to 641 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 300 to 607 nm, 657 to 850 nm; od4: 850 to 925 nm; od2: 925 to 1100 nm
parallelism < 5.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type polished borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)cy®5
632-10 od4 bandpass filter
item number7433
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 632 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 10 nm ± 2.0 nm
transmission band(s) peak> 90% t absolute
blocking level od4
blocking range(s)* od4: 200 to 617 nm, 647 to 1200 nm
substrate type borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness3.3 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness5.0 mm
635-22 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7183
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 635 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 22 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 626 to 644 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 300 to 610 nm, 660 to 850 nm; od4: 850 to 925 nm; od2: 925 to 1100 nm
parallelism < 5.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type polished borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)cy®5
alternate fluorophore(s)alexa fluor® 647, apc, atto 635, atto 647, atto oxa12, bodipy® 650/665-x, c5-thiacyanine, cf™640r, cf™647, ddao, did, draq5™, dy-630, dy-631, dy-633, dy-635, dy-636, dy-647, dy-650, dy-651, dy-656, evoblue™-30, hcs cellmask™ deep red, hcs nuclearmask™ deep red, hilyte™ fluor 647, hilyte™ plus 647, live/dead® fixable far red dead cell stain, mitotracker® deep red, nile blue (etoh), nile blue (meoh), oxazine 1, promofluor-647, quasar® 670, spectrum far red, sytox® red, syto® 60, syto® 62, to-pro®-3, toto®-3, vybrant® dyecycle™ ruby, promofluor-633
640-19 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7594
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 640 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 19 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 633 to 647 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 250 to 625 nm, 655 to 925 nm; od2: 925 to 1100 nm
parallelism < 3.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)cy®5
640-77 od6 bandpass filter
item number7095
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 640 nm ± 3.5 nm
fwhm 77 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 605 to 675 nm > 93% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 542 to 582 nm; od5: 490 to 592 nm, 696 to 925 nm; od2: 400 to 490 nm, 925 to 1050 nm; od1: 1050 to 1100 nm, 200 to 400 nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)texas red® r-pe
alternate fluorophore(s)atto rho12, carboxy snarf®-1 (ph 9), crystal violet (glycerol), dhpe texas red®, fluospheres® red, fusionred, nile red, propidium iodide, turbofp602, alexa fluor® 610 r-pe, dy-520, dy-520xl megastokes, promofluor-520lss, sytox® advanced dead cell stain, tetra-t-butylazaporphine
640-10 od4 bandpass filter
item number7435
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 640 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 10 nm ± 2.0 nm
transmission band(s) peak> 90% t absolute
blocking level od4
blocking range(s)* od4: 200 to 625 nm, 655 to 1200 nm
substrate type borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness3.3 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness5.0 mm
647-10 od4 bandpass filter
item number7436
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 647 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 10 nm ± 2.0 nm
transmission band(s) peak> 90% t absolute
blocking level od4
blocking range(s)* od4: 200 to 632 nm, 662 to 1200 nm
substrate type borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness3.3 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness5.0 mm
650-20 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7203
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 650 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 20 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 642 to 658 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 300 to 629 nm, 671 to 925 nm; od3: 925 to 1100 nm
parallelism < 5.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type polished borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)cy®5
alternate fluorophore(s)alexa fluor® 660, alexa fluor® 680 apc, atto oxa12, c5-thiacyanine, cellmask™ deep red, cf™660c, cf™660r, draq5™, dy-647, dy-650, dy-651, dy-656, fluospheres® dark red, hcs nuclearmask™ deep red, hilyte™ fluor 647, methylene blue, nir2, promofluor-647, promofluor-670, spectrum far red, syto® 60, syto® 62, vybrant® dyecycle™ ruby
650-10 od4 bandpass filter
item number7437
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 650 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 10 nm ± 2.0 nm
transmission band(s) peak> 90% t absolute
blocking level od4
blocking range(s)* od4: 200 to 635 nm, 665 to 1200 nm
substrate type borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness3.3 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness5.0 mm
652.5-15 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7697
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 652.5 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 15 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 647 to 658 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 510 to 637 nm, 668 to 750 nm; od5: 200 to 510 nm, 750 to 1020 nm
parallelism < 3.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)cellmask™ deep red
660-10 od4 bandpass filter
item number7441
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 660 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 10 nm ± 2.0 nm
transmission band(s) peak> 90% t absolute
blocking level od4
blocking range(s)* od4: 200 to 645 nm, 675 to 1200 nm
substrate type borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness3.3 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness5.0 mm
664-24 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7136
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 664 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 24 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 654 to 674 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 350 to 649 nm, 679 to 1000 nm
parallelism < 3.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)cy®5.5
alternate fluorophore(s)alexa fluor® 660, alexa fluor® 680 apc, cf™660c, cf™660r, hcs nuclearmask™ deep red, methylene blue, nir2, promofluor-670, atto 680, cf™680, cf™680r, dy-680, dy-681, hilyte™ fluor 680, promofluor-680, atto 665, dy-673, dy-675, dy-676, phthalocyanine, alexa fluor® 680
666-33 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7723
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 666 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 33 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 652 to 680 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 350 to 640 nm, 689 to 800 nm; od5: 800 to 850 nm
parallelism < 3.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)cy®5
668.5-30 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7153
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 668.5 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 30 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 656 to 681 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 360 to 575 nm, 575 to 636 nm, 699 to 850 nm; od3: 300 to 360 nm, 850 to 1000 nm
parallelism < 5.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type polished borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)apc
alternate fluorophore(s)alexa fluor® 647, atto 635, atto 647, bodipy® 650/665-x, cf™640r, cf™647, cypher5 (ph 4.67), ddao, did, draq5™, dy-630, dy-631, dy-633, dy-635, dy-636, evoblue™-30, hcs cellmask™ deep red, hcs nuclearmask™ deep red, hilyte™ fluor 647, hilyte™ plus 647, live/dead® fixable far red dead cell stain, mitotracker® deep red, nile blue (etoh), nile blue (meoh), oxazine 1, promofluor-647, spectrum far red, sytox® red, to-pro®-3, toto®-3, vybrant® dyecycle™ ruby, 5-cnf, alexa fluor® 633, atto rho14, carboxynapthofluorescein, celltrace™ far red, cf™633, cy®5, e2-crimson, fluospheres® crimson, hcs lipidtox™ deep red neutral lipid stain, nir4, nirfp, promofluor-633, squarylium dye iii, syto® 61
671-10 od4 bandpass filter
item number7442
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 671 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 10 nm ± 2.0 nm
transmission band(s) peak> 90% t absolute
blocking level od4
blocking range(s)* od4: 200 to 656 nm, 686 to 1200 nm
substrate type borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness3.3 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness5.0 mm
677-23 od6 bandpass filter
item number7155
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 677 nm ± 3.5 nm
fwhm 23 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 668 to 686 nm > 93% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 360 to 648 nm, 703 to 800 nm, 800 to 850 nm; od3: 300 to 360 nm, 850 to 1000 nm
substrate type polished borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)alexa fluor® 700
alternate fluorophore(s)atto 680, atto 700, c7-oxacyanine, cf™680, cf™680r, dy-680, dy-681, dy-700, dy-701, hilyte™ fluor 680, irdye® 700dx, promofluor-680, promofluor-700, quasar® 705
680-30 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7230
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 680 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 30 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 668 to 693 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 300 to 650 nm, 710 to 900 nm
parallelism < 3.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)cy®5
alternate fluorophore(s)alexa fluor® 647, apc, atto 635, atto 647, atto oxa12, bodipy® 650/665-x, c5-indocyanine, c5-thiacyanine, cellmask™ deep red, cf™640r, cf™647, cypher5 (ph 4.67), ddao, did, draq5™, dy-630, dy-631, dy-633, dy-635, dy-636, dy-647, dy-650, dy-651, dy-656, evoblue™-30, fluospheres® dark red, hcs cellmask™ deep red, hcs nuclearmask™ deep red, hilyte™ fluor 647, hilyte™ plus 647, live/dead® fixable far red dead cell stain, methylene blue, mitotracker® deep red, nile blue (etoh), nile blue (meoh), oxazine 1, promofluor-647, quasar® 670, spectrum far red, sytox® red, syto® 60, syto® 62, to-pro®-3, toto®-3, vybrant® dyecycle™ ruby
680-10 od4 bandpass filter
item number7446
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 680 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 10 nm ± 2.0 nm
transmission band(s) peak> 90% t absolute
blocking level od4
blocking range(s)* od4: 200 to 665 nm, 695 to 1200 nm
substrate type borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness3.3 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness5.0 mm
683-39 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7145
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 683 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 39 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 666 to 700 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 300 to 653 nm, 714 to 775 nm
parallelism < 3.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)cy®5
alternate fluorophore(s)alexa fluor® 647, alexa fluor® 660, atto 635, atto 647, atto oxa12, bodipy® 650/665-x, c5-thiacyanine, cellmask™ deep red, cf™640r, cf™647, cypher5 (ph 4.67), did, draq5™, dy-635, dy-636, dy-647, dy-650, dy-651, dy-656, evoblue™-30, fluospheres® dark red, hcs cellmask™ deep red, hcs nuclearmask™ deep red, hilyte™ fluor 647, hilyte™ plus 647, live/dead® fixable far red dead cell stain, mitotracker® deep red, nile blue (etoh), nile blue (meoh), oxazine 1, promofluor-647, quasar® 670, spectrum far red, syto® 60, syto® 62, vybrant® dyecycle™ ruby, 5-cnf, carboxynapthofluorescein, nirfp, atto 665
690-10 od4 bandpass filter
item number7448
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 690 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 10 nm ± 2.0 nm
transmission band(s) peak> 90% t absolute
blocking level od4
blocking range(s)* od4: 200 to 675 nm, 705 to 1200 nm
substrate type borofloat®
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness3.3 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness5.0 mm
692-46 od6 ultra bandpass filter
item number7642
angle of incidence 0 degrees
center wavelength 692 nm ± 2.0 nm
fwhm 46 nm nominal
transmission band(s) 672 to 712 nm > 95% t average
blocking level od6
blocking range(s)* od6: 520 to 660 nm, 725 to 900 nm; od5: 900 to 980 nm; od3: 250 to 520 nm; od2: 980 to 1100 nm
parallelism < 3.0 arcseconds
transmitted wavefront error < 0.25 wave rms @ 632.8nm
substrate type fused silica
dimensions25.0 mm diameter
filter thickness2.0 mm
assembly typeanodized aluminum ring
assembly thickness3.5 mm
main fluorophore(s)cy®5
